

Sewol Ferry 10th Anniversary

I was invited to speak at the conference “Making a Living Archive” to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sewol ferry disaster. The event was hosted by the 4.16 Institute of Democratic Citizenship Education, and brought together scholars from around the world with backgrounds in history, anthropology, education and memory studies.

Education and memorialisation for disaster justice webinar

This online event brought together disaster survivors, educators, activists and academics to discuss issues of education, memorialisation and disaster justice. Speakers drew on their experiences in the context of the Hillsborough disaster (1989), the Sewol Ferry disaster (2014), and the Grenfell Tower fire (2017).


GTMC Final Report

This week, the Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission published its final report Remembering Grenfell: Recommendations and next steps to a memorial. These recommendations are based on the views of survivors, families and residents, as well as case studies of other disaster memorials.

TeachDisasters at ESERA 2023

Project members Wonyong Park, Andri Christodoulou and Yeonjoo Ko presented their work related to disaster education at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference in Cappadocia, Türkiye.

New BERA Blog

I wrote a piece for the BERA Blog, by the British Educational Research Association, on the activities of the 4.16 Institute of Democratic Citizenship Education. This blog was written with the Sewol Ferry disaster activists and bereaved families.